Bruce Wayne Batman

Bruce wayne is a guy on movies and he is batman his name is bruce wayne and we had to dress up as a book character and dress up as that and we had to decide  but I did not wear creative clothing because I forgot my t shirt some of us did but some of us didn’t and we had to go to the whole class Room and we had to go somewhere to the hall at 9 am because we were going to the hall for something and we had to dress up as a character and we had some ideas to dress up and we made some stuff for ill selfs and i made a hat and then we had to listen to the girl that was drawing and talking to us she done some cool drawings and she wanted people to come up and like describe them and we took some pictures and the teachers did to 

my name is Terence and i am togan and moari and i like eating fish and chips and i play for the papakura seagels and play for leage

we done a visul mihi with ill class and did it with aina and this thing we did it cool it was cool and we had to do it like ill faimaly like we like them and we


my name is Terence  and i am doing my visul mihi i am togan and moari i like watching boy and my favrite food is fish and chips

and i like play rugby for the papakura seagels and i play leauge and the things that all like doing on my visul mihi these are all of the things that i like and we done this with ill class and we

changed ill background and we done cool text to do ill ill name up top and visul mihi and its a ice one we done cool things on here it was amazing .

my precitating clouds


we made a precitating and we used some cool stuff and we used shving cream and then a pippet and then we put some foodcoularing in the small cup so we can use the pippet for getting some foodcoularing with ill pippet and all tables had one pippet

and then we put the shaving cream in so the food coularing went down until the food coulring went down so it was rainy and we use golden food coularing and then we use blue food coularing and then we  used the food coularing until it wasted when dow ill teacher told to only use only 3 drops of food coularing and then after that we use hesps of food colaring even dow we used heaps of food coularing we still

use all of the food coularing we use two cups of small little cups and we used all of two cups of  food coularing and then thsts when heaps of rain started coming down

and it was like in smouth lines just going down until we used all of the food coularing and the shaving cream was like ice cream and the smill was yum but it didant kind of look like ice cream the end.



watching the weather

                                                                 5 main points 


  1. Warm air can hold more water than cold air 
  2. The tiny water droplets fall very slowly in the atmosphere and that is why clouds appear to be suspended in the sky
  3.  If the air countinues to cool, some of the cloud droplets combine to form rain 
  4. The amount of water vapor in the air depends on the temperature.
  5. By about 1 degree celsius for every 100 meters when air descends from high up 
  6. This graph shows the total amount of rain that fell each month in Wellington in 2010.
  7. The weather affects all of us every day and influences many of the decisions we make. Do I need to wear warm clothes?
  8.  Many ways to find out about the weather we can listen to the radio watch the news or read the news paper
  9. The clouds were a rich source of information about approaching weather layers of clouds above the horizon.
  10. A bank of clouds was a sign that the wind would come from the direction the clouds were pointing to

ANZAC Cookies

yesterday we did some good baking and then we did it with ill teacher but on morning tea we went straght to class and got ill lunches and then waited for them to bake because we were baking with ill whole class then after that when the morning tea bell rang we went straght to the hole and took them out of the uvin and tasted some of them but at first we only got one each and we sheredwith the teachers and then two teachers ask this can i get 10 and the other can i get 20 and yeah we had i think four or 3 and then saved some forr ill teachrs husben .

Precipitating Clouds

We were learning about how clouds are made. First when the sun ray’s heat the water on earth in puddles, lakes and rivers, it evaporates into the air.  The water vapours go into the sky because it doesn’t like the heat and heads for the cool air. The vapour combines and the clouds form and then they become too heavy. When they are too heavy the clouds then open up and let the rain fall.

I liked the part where we put the food colouring in to the cup and it came through the shaving cream and made me see what happens when it comes through the cloud. I want to know how lightning is form and how it works.


We made a precipitating and we made some Clouds

and we used shaving cream and then a pippet and then we put some foodcoularing in the small cup so we can use the pippet for getting some foodcoularing with ill pippet and all tables had one pippet

and then we put the shaving cream in so the food coularing went down until the food coulring went down so it was rainy and we use golden food coularing and then we use blue food coularing and then we  used the food coularing until it wasted when dow ill teacher told to only use only 3 drops of food coularing and then after that we use hesps of food colaring even dow we used heaps of food coularing we still

use all of the food coularing we use two cups of small little cups and we used all of two cups of  food coularing and then thsts when heaps of rain started coming down

and it was like in smouth lines just going down until we used all of the food coularing and the shaving cream was like ice cream and the smill was yum but it didant kind of look like ice cream.




anzac storie

we learned about important facts about Anzac day and how we did this day as a country and we thought for the solders because they frighted for us when is real was bombing Gaza was getting bombed but the solders that tho gt for us they were helping Gaza and they city is bombed and the country i getting bombed Anzac day is on 25th April Tuesday and Gaza is triennial to get help and they are getting hospitals bombed so they can die to make them die .